
Welcome to our Group Website! 

We are an experimental soft matter group working primarily in three types of systems: shear-induced deformation and rearrangements of soft particles, collective behaviors of active colloids, and cell-substrate interactions, with goals to develop new methods for material processing, and assemble biological and nonbiological building blocks into high-dimensional hierarchical structures. Whenever possible, we design high-throughput experiments to augment our capacity and bring in statistical and physical models to optimize experimental designs and accelerate scientific discovery.

We are currently seeking post-doctoral scholars, graduate students, undergraduate students and post-baccalaureates to join our efforts. Please read the Open Position page to find out more.


June 17, 2024
Juan has made fibrin-llike, all PEG-based hydrogels which can be used for tissue engineering. They are useful for creating functional structures with physiological...
April 12, 2024
SWE Gala 2024! Glad to return as a panelist,  meet all SWE members and faculty mentors, and enjoy an evening of food and festivity!
March 3, 2024
We had loads of fun doing outreach at the Squishy Science Sunday and showcasing our research at the scientific sessions. So nice to catch up with old friends and connect with...