We demonstrated, among others, the ability to automatically find gelation time from a collection of probe displacement videos, without manual shifting of the MSD curves, and...
Juan has made fibrin-llike, all PEG-based hydrogels which can be used for tissue engineering. They are useful for creating functional structures with physiological...
SWE Gala 2024! Glad to return as a panelist, meet all SWE members and faculty mentors, and enjoy an evening of food and festivity!
We had loads of fun doing outreach at the Squishy Science Sunday and showcasing our research at the scientific sessions. So nice to catch up with old friends and connect with...
We develop a hybrid approach to automate model construction that extends baseline physics models by features selected from statistical learning and testing procedures....
One year in the making (including the design phase). It’s so wonderful to see the lab space finally materializes into reality. Everything fits just right!
Nematic order is ubiquitous in biological tissues. Here we show that flat nematic substrates can induce spontaneous global nematic alignment of dense, spindle-like cells,...